Yup thats true!!!
can never argue on that matter..
in order to lead a
happy, glorious and non-complex formed of life..
u should be CERTAIN in what u do...
or else something bad or even worst will happen.
and that is what actually happens to me....
regarding my exams
my miserable life as a medical student
not forgetting
my bad management of finance...
(really need help on the last one)
i'm thinking the solution but
seem that it will never ever come...sigh!!
my exam and study...
1. always do teropong2 thing
3. never believe in self/others
(thats why lots of medical student QUIT!!!)
and regarding my financial status....
always like a GORENG PISANG...
always sold out!!
but its still under control....
rite now i'm doin' what they called