Isnin, 26 Disember 2011

Perpisahan untuk kebaikan

 like before today post was nothing special.
I just wanna say something is that deep in my heart, 
i'm sincerely sorry to remove some of my friend
from my friend list...

BUT its for the sake of my life now and ongoing future...
We were still friend outside the world wide web but not anymore in Facebook, Twitter or watsoever.
 I'm really sorry to do so even though i know you can't read anything through my status in those web...
but sincerely i just want to remind you and myself that
 somehow you were one of the best memories that i ever had...
i hope that we can be together di bawah lindungan Arash when the judgement day come...InsyaALLAH..Amin
thats all from me today... 
see u next time!!! 

Abu Hurairah ra telah meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda:

”Terdapat 7 golongan yang akan mendapat lindungan 'arashNya pada hari yang tiada lindungan melainkan lindungan daripadaNya.

1. Pemimpin yang adil 

2. Pemuda yang masanya dihabiskan untuk beribadah kepada Allah SWT

3. Seseorang yang hatinya terpaut pada masjid

4. Dua lelaki yang berkasih sayang dan bertemu dan berpisah kerana Allah SWT

5. Lelaki yang digoda oleh perempuan cantik dan berpengaruh untuk melakukan maksiat tetapi dia menolak dengan mengatakan Aku Takutkan Allah

6. Seseorang yang bersedekah dan menyembunyikannya sehinggakan tangan kanannya tidak mengetahui apa yang diberikan oleh tangan kirinya

7. Seseorang yang mengingati Allah ketika bersendirian sehinggakan mengalir air matanya kerana Allah SWT.”
Hadis Riwayat Muslim

Ahad, 25 Disember 2011

Let the spoiled be the remembrance


First of all sorry again for not posting anything for a long period of time.

Today I just wanna share with u guys a picture of my cat named adik/meowsi/Joey... This cat was a spoiled one. Last month only it cause me around 1000LE. Why?? Bcoz he bite my MacBook and iPhone charger.

But I do agree that he is spoiled due to lack of social life around him. And this caught my attention the most.

Why I said so?? Because he keep reminds me that wether you live alone in this world or faraway from the one you love, you still have Allah by your side. Allah will never leave you even you are faraway from His path. It's only us who often forget and neglected HIM. Allah tak pernah kurang seinci pun tanpa kasih dan perhatian kita. Semoga ini menjadi peringatan utk kita semua. May Allah forgive our sins, accept our repentance and granted us Jannah in the judgement day..Amin